Social Responsibility

Here at U&A we believe that making a positive impact in the social environment is an essential part of the Company and a reflection of our approach to business. To ensure that the Company remains committed to help achieving a better and more sustainable future for all, we focus on the following areas:

  • Quality Education

We believe in the value of lifelong learning and are committed to provide training opportunities to our employees. We look to grow each individual and allow individuals to reach their true potential.

  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI)

We are committed to providing equal opportunities and income in our workforce, regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, etc. We believe that diversity in the workforce helps us attract and retain the best and brightest talent and allows us to understand and respond better to our customers’ needs.

  • Promotion of Positive Working Environment

We pride ourselves in demonstrating high standards of conduct throughout the organization. This is reinforced by our Code of Conduct and Integrity which every employee is expected to apply in everyday life. We are very invested in the health, both emotional and physical, of all employees and our new flexible working guidance encourages employee wellbeing, work-life balance, and reduced carbon footprint as a result of reduced commutes. We promote employees’ well-being with a generous yearly sports allowance and for our long-term commitment, we offer external private pension advice.

  • Responsible Business Practice

We do not enter into relationships with individuals or organizations engaged in illegal or unethical activities. We establish long term business relationships with our clients, and they trust us to ensure that their companies established in the Netherlands and Luxembourg uphold high standards.

  • Climate Action

We are committed to reducing the impact that our business operations have on the environment around us. A digitalization strategy has been implemented and this supports our efforts to combat climate change as we move to replace hard copy documentation and use electronic signature technology wherever possible.

  • Philanthropy

U&A provides support to local charities. Every year the team decides how they would like to give back the community and encourages all team members to participate in volunteering days. If you would like to see our efforts, you can visit out LinkedIn:

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